

Yoga Shak Montreal is located at 372 Crémazie Est, Montreal, (Québec), H2P 1E5.
We are located on the second floor, 30sec from Cremazie Metro Station (exit South), corner St-Denis and Crémazie Est.

Everyday. Here is our schedule.

Come with an open mind! Bring confortable cothing, a reusable water bottle and a yoga mat. If you don’t have a yoga mat, we can rent you one at reception for 3$.

There are some free parking spots on St-Denis and on Drolet street.

Yes we do! Whether you are a total beginner or an advanced pratictionner, we have a class for you! Please have a look at ourSchedule and ClassesPages to know more about our different classes options.

Yes we do! Please come 15 minutes in advance if you plan to use the changing rooms. You can bring your own lock or get one at reception. You may also use our showers but please note the studio usually closes 20minutes after class.

Yes! We have an online shop and also sale yoga clothing and equipment at the studio. We have yoga mats, yoga props, yoga clothes, crystal water bottles and much more!

Yes. You must sign up in advance for all classes. You can sign up online via ourschedule page . Or contact usif you need assistance.

Welcome to your first Yoga Class! We recommand you avoid Spicy Flows. All other classes are beginner friendly. If you are not flexible we suggest you try a yin yoga class to start with. You can also enroll in our 6 weeks M.A.Y.A program, a great way to get initiated gently to yoga and meditation. Learn more about our classes here. Cours.

Nous offrons également un programme virtuel M.A.Y.A qui permet aux débutants de commencer le yoga de manière graduelle et adaptée. Le programme dure 6 semaines, contient 3 séances virtuelles de 30 minutes par semaine guidées et supervisées par des entraîneurs sportifs, physiothérapeutes et professeurs de Yoga. Contactez-nous pour obtenir plus d’information sur notre programme M.A.Y.A.

Flexibility is not a requirement but rather a side effect of yoga! Try a yin yoga class and you will be able to increase your flexibility and range of motion in just a few sessions! Always listen to your own body. The more you practice, the more flexible you will get, both mentally and physically! .

We recommand you arrive about 15 minutes before class to make sure you have time to change, check in and set your mat. Classes start on time and doors are locked 5 minutes later. To respect other practicionners, please be on time.

Credit (visa/mastercard) and debit.

Vous pouvez faire vos achats en ligne sur notre page Tarifs ou encore au Studio entre les cours.

We recommend not to eat at least 2h prior to yoga. But again listen to your body. If you need to eat, eat something light. You can drink water before and after class. According to the yoga tradition, it is not recommended to drink during the practice. But again, the golden rule is to listen to your body!

Some teachers do but they are never mandatory. Please let your teacher know if you do not wish to be touched. Hands-on adjustments are usually much appreciated by practionners because they help go deeper into the yoga postures. But they are never mandatory, your teacher will usually ask you before touching you, feel free to refuse if you don’t feel confortable.

*No adjusts are given during Covid times. We are strictly respecting the rules of social distancing.

You can cancel your reservation up to 1h prior to class. If you do not cancel in time, the class will be charged. No refunds on memberships.

Some teachers do but they are never mandatory. Nous ne permettons pas les échanges et partages d’abonnements.

Nous avons un âge minimum de 16 ans afin de participer aux cours collectifs. Nous offrons des cours privés enfants/parents sur demande. Contactez-nous.

Once you have received the registration confirmation email you have access to the Yoga Shak Wellness area. To connect, simply follow the steps in the video

If you missed a yoga class, you can find it on video in your Wellness area. Watch the video and discover our course library


Nous vous demandons de laisser vos souliers à l’entrée.

Vous pouvez pratiquer sur votre propre tapis de yoga (possibilité de le laisser sur place) ou louez un tapis au cout de 3$.

Toujours réservez votre cours à l’avance en ligne.

Aucun effet personnel ne sera toléré dans les salles (nous prêtons des cadenas gratuitement)

Arrivez 15 minutes avant le début du cours lors de votre première visite au studio.

Nous barrons la porte 5 minutes après le début du cours.

Aucune tasse dans les salles ne seront tolérés, seulement les bouteilles d’eau fermées sont acceptées.

Il est possible d’annuler votre inscription au cours 1 heure à l’avance directement en ligne sur Wellness, sans quoi le cours vous sera facturé.